Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Photography 101

Hello everyone.  Anyone who's in the photography community no matter where you are knows that there are 2 types of photographers out there.
1: The ones who respect one another and encourage one another.  These type of people are the ones who respect one another, give tips, shares shoots, etc.

2: The ones I call the spoiled/know it all "professional" photographers. People who fall under these are the ones who go out and buy an expensive camera or someone buys them one and they start shooting pictures for friends and family or whatever and they call themselves a "photographer".

Now I know both kinds of people and have had interaction with both, an anyone in this community knows the first type is more pleasant to be around. Most people who own a camera fall under the first, however their are plenty of people who fall under the second.

A recent experience of mine with the no it all kinda photographer, was within that last 7 days. After having a very long night shooting a concert and then having an even longer day editing the images the following day a person who I've never met nor have I even heard of decides to call me out on my work and the number of images I shot. Now I'm all for constructive criticism, but not telling someone they no business doing what they were hired to do, especially if the images you took of the same subject look like they were shot with a point and shoot.

So with all that being said, I encourage anyone reading this to look at themselves and ask yourself "how do I treat my fellow photographer?" If I could give people rules or facts about photography they would probably be the following;

1: It's not about the gear you have. Just cause you have a Nikon D800 doesn't mean you take good pictures.

2: there's always someone better than you. That's pretty simply.

3: Not everyone shoots the same. Just because someone doesn't shoot like you doesn't mean their photos aren't good.

4: Always be encouraging.

There will more added to this list later.

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